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The new search interface gives you easy access to books, journals and repository items at Bangladesh Agricultural University Library. It includes everything in the classic catalogue, Bangladesh Agricultural University Institutional Repository items and databases and e-journals, all in one search.
Please note: The original catalogue interface, called the classic catalogue
New and Upcoming Books
More New Books
Digital Archive on Agricultural Theses and Journal
eJournals/eBooks :
Electronic journals
/e-Resources and eBooks accessible at Bangladesh Agricultural University,
can now be accessed through the links below Online journals,
eBooks and research databases from the following publishers are made
available via different programmes including the PERI programme of INASP (i.e.
through the Bangladesh INASP-PERI Consortium). BanglaJOL and the UGC led
Digital Library initiative. All these resources can be accessed within
the university network without any password.
If you are
interested in any other resource, kindly advise us of that by sending an email
to librarian at BAU. Kindly note that Elsevier and Science Direct
does not participate in PERI and therefore Elsevier and Science Direct journals
cannot be obtained through this programme. However, kindly check AGORA, and HINARI below
for Elsevier Science Direct
You may also email
at : [email protected] or ring
01718-084832 for any other query or to report problems that you are facing.
!!! Kindly also
note that indiscriminate downloading is not permitted. Kindly do not download
full volumes, etc. Only download the articles that you consider useful. Usage
is monitored by publishers and indiscriminate downloading is likely to results
in a cancellation of our access. !!!
e-Journals/e-Resources accessible via
Astronomical Society (www.iop.org/EJ)
Three titles from the American Astronomical Society
(hosted by the Institute of Physics, IoP since 2009)
American Chemical Society
Over 35 journals in chemistry and related fields
Institute of Physics (http://journals.aip.org/) (http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip)
11 journals, two magazines, and a conference proceedings series
American Physical
Society (http://journals.aps.org/)
Full archive of PR(A-E), PRL and RMP
American Society for Agricultural and Biological
Engineers. (http://elibrary.asabe.org)
American Society of Civil Engineers
Full-text papers from around 30 ASCE Journals and Proceedings
Reviews (http://arjournals.annualreviews.org/)
Annual Reviews in 37 disciplines in life sciences, physical sciences and social
Bentham Science Publishing
(discontinued from 2010)
Over 90 leading peer-reviewed biomedical and pharmaceutical journals.
Blackwell-Synergy (Now part of Wiley
- automatically linked)
Over 800 peer-reviewed journals in a wide range of academic disciplines.
British Psychological Society (http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/bpsoc)
A dozen of journals from the British Psychological Society.
Cambridge University Press-Cambridge
Journals Online (http://journals.cambridge.org/action/subscribedTo)
Over 190
leading titles in Linguistics, Politics, Medicine, Science, Technology, Social
Science and Humanities.
Canadian Science Publishing (was NRC Press) (http://www.nrcresearchpress.com/)
Library (http://www.thecochranelibrary.com)
A collection of
online searchable databases containing high-quality, independent evidence to
inform healthcare decision-making.
De Gruyter Online Journals (http://www.degruyter.com/browse?type-o=journals)
EBSCO (http://search.ebscohost.com/)
Over 7000 titles from many publishers in all subjects
(mostly in Academic Search Premier and Business Source Premier)
University Press (http://www.eupjournals.com)
over 30
journals across a range of disciplines in the humanities and social sciences
Geological Society – The Lyell
Collection (http://www.lyellcollection.org/)
Journals and other publications of the Geological Society, London.
IEEE Xplore (http://www.ieee.org/ieeexplore)
Access to IEEE ASPP and POP packages.
IET (http://digital-library.theiet.org/journals/doc/IEEDRL-home/jrnls/)
Access to IET Digital Library.
International Forestry Review (http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/cfa/ifr)
Access to the International Forestry Review published by the Commonwealth
Forestry Association.
of Physics Publishing (http://www.iop.org/EJ/)
Over 50 journals from IoP and publishing partners.
Mary Ann
Liebert (http://www.liebertonline.com/)
55 authoritative publications in the most exciting and promising areas of
biomedical research, clinical medicine, surgery, law, and science.
Nature Publishing Group (http://www.nature.com/siteindex/index.html)
All 72 titles from the Nature Publishing Group, now including the previously
excluded Nature Geoscience, Nature Materials, Nature Nanotechnology, Nature
Photonics, Nature Physics, Nature Protocols.
NRC Research Press (now renamed Canadian
Science Publishing) (http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/nrc)
journals from NRC Press, Canada. (http://www.nrcresearchpress.com
Optical Society of America (http://www.opticsinfobase.org/)
Journals from the Optical Society of America.
Oxford Journals (http://www.oxfordjournals.org/)
Over 170 leading titles in science, technology, medicine, humanities and social
Palgrave-Macmillan (http://www.palgrave-journals.com/pal/jnlsubject.html)
Around 70 full-text journals in a range of subjects.
Policy Press (http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/tpp)
Three highly prestigious journals in the fields of public and social policy.
Project MUSE (http://muse.jhu.edu/browse/titles/all?browse_view_type=list&limit_content_type=journal)
full-text journals from 70 publishers in humanities and social science.
Royal College of
Physicians (http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/rcop/cm)
Full text access to “Clinical Medicine”, the journal of the Royal College of
Physicians, London.
Royal Society (http://royalsocietypublishing.org/journals)
Journals from the Royal Society of London.
SPIE Digital Library (http://www.SPIEDigitallibrary.org)
The most extensive resource
available on optics and photonics. Technical papers from SPIE Journals and
Conference Proceedings from 1990 to the present. More than 17,000 new technical
papers are added annually.
Over 1600 high quality peer-reviewed journals in a wide range of academic
Symposium Journals (http://www.symposium-journals.co.uk/)
Over 1600 high quality peer-reviewed journals in a wide range of academic
Taylor &
Francis eBestseller Packages (http://www.tandfebooks.com/action/dosearch?AllField=&access=user)
University of Chicago
Press (http://www.journals.uchicago.edu)
text of around 50 leading journals.
Wiley Interscience
text of over 1400 leading journals now icluding over 800 journals from
erstwhile Blackwell-Synergy.
Indian Online
Journals : (http://www.indianjournals.com)
Full text of around 270 leading journals.
Bangladeshi online journals
Bangladesh Journals Online
A collection of over 100 online journals published from Bangladesh
e-Book collection (via PERI)!
Taylor and Francis eBestseller Collection
(around 1200 T&F bestsellers)
De Gruyter LIS Books : (http://www.degruyter.com/search?t1=BB)
World Bank Publications
Bank e-Library (http://www.worldbank.org/newelibrary)
Accessible under UGC Digital Library
ACM Digital Library (http://www.acm.org/dl)
Emerald (http://www.emeraldinsight.com/brows.htm?show=subs)
JSTOR Main Collections (Arts and
Sciences I - X, Life Sciences etc.) (http://www.jstor.org)
JSTOR Plant Science Portal (http://plants.jstor.org)
Oxford Scholarship Online (http://www.oxfordscholarship.com/)
Education (http://lib.mylibrary.com/)
e-Books Series (http://link.springer.com)
Hills Express Library (http://mcgrawhilleducation.pdn.ipublishcentral.com) Cambridge University Press eBooks (http://ebooks.cambridge.org/)
Gale-Cengage eBooks (http://infotrac.galegroup.com/itweb/ugc_dhaka)
Sage eBooks (http://knowledge.sagepub.com)
Scientific eBooks (http://www.worldscientific.com/page/worldscibooks)
CRC eBooks (http://www.crcnetbase.com/)
Taylor &
Francis eBooks (http://www.tandfebooks.com/)
(Access is via username/password - contact at BAU library : 01718-596814
; 01718-084832
Thousands of
titles across many publishers related to environment but often much wider in
subject coverage.
Includes over half of the titles from Elsevier, around 500 from Sage, over 100
from Taylor and Francis etc.